Sulking dog when leaving the house

Sulking dog when leaving the house

Hi we just picked up a Maltese cross with Silky terrier. She's 5 yrs old and very clingy. I believe this may be because she was in the pound and refuge for 10 days. When I left the house today she cried at the back door. She was good now I'm home again I just don't want her crying and winpering while I'm away and annoying the neighbours. What can I do. We are also contemplating a doggy door so she can come and go from the house as she pleases - is this a good idea and if so do we let her in the house when we're not home. She's well trained and does her business outside behind the shed - so we think she had some training before we got her. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
Posted: 03/10/2007

ANSWER: sulking dog when leaving the house
Dogs from the pound often display this behaviour. Whilst most pounds are very good to the dogs, it is still not the same as the home they have come from, or the one she finds herself now. A little like children that have come from foster care. Whilst it is only a few days that you had her, it is a great time to set the new rules that apply to your home. Try and ignore what she is doing, by not looking at the dog, and not responding to her when she whines. Leave without saying anything, or patting her, just leave as if it is a normal thing to do. When you come home ignore her for a few minutes and when she is calm call her and reward her. Try not to overcompensate for her past or the pound. She needs a strong leader now and that will settle things down over the next few days. Give her time - and with patience and understanding you will get on top of this - and avoid separation anxiety in her.
Posted: 03/10/2007

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