Mounting Border Collie

Mounting Border Collie

We have a Border Collie male approx 7 months old he has been desexed and still proceeds to mount my youngest male child (he is 4) How do we stop this? as we were informed after the desexing he would stop but unfortunatly he has not. Please help for my childs sake. Thank you
Posted: 29/06/2008

Reply: Mounting Border Collie
Hormones start flowing earlier with our dogs these days much like with our kids' so it may take a little time to get them out of his system, depending when desexing took place (best done 5 to 6 months at latest). Mounting is a 'feel good' thing for the dog, not just sexual ? and is a clear sign of dominance. Your son being 4 is seen as a competitive puppy and therefore the mounting is more dominance related. The best thing is to teach your son to stand still and not react, and the interest will wave. If persist use a water spray pointed at his face. If your son is getting fearful, I recommend contacting a good behavioural trainer to desensitise the BC.
Posted: 30/06/2008


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