Jack X Maltese 3 yr old agressive with all other dogs-NSW

Jack X Maltese 3 yr old agressive with all other dogs-NSW

Help! My little tiny 5K dog always attacks other dogs. She just tried to attack the cutest little fluff ball in the park. I dont know what to do to stop this behavior. We tried socializing her with other dogs in puppy training when she was a pup, and used to take her to dog park but she got too aggressive and others in park gave me looks, so we stopped this. I am at my wits end and cant even take her to park anymore (even outside the dog park)for fear one day she might actually hurt one of the other dogs. She is so small and does not know her size as she will attack any size dog and also does not like small children. She loves adults and is the kindest most gentle thing when an adult gives her any attention. What can I do?
Posted: 28/03/2009

REPLY: Jack X Maltese 3 yr old aggressive with all other dogs-NSW
Both the JR and the Maltese can suffer from 'small dog' syndrome - and have some agro streaks. Small dog syndrome is enhanced by carrying, molly coddling etc. It is regretful that this was not addressed in the puppy class you attended. It may well be from a bad experience she may have had as a puppy before you got her. From what you describe, I would strongly advise for you to get a good positive reinforcement behavioural trainer out - somebody that has dealt with this sort of aggression. Ask you local vet as they will have somebody to refer to. Good luck.
Posted: 29/03/2009


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