what is the best breed to mind my chooks

what is the best breed to mind my chooks

Could you please suggest a good breed of dog to mind my chooks when i free range them in the day to protect them from foxes. I have a third of an acre property and live in an suburban area. Thank you as i am getting so many suggestions my head is spinning. gloria elliott
Posted: 10/03/2007

Answer: what is the best breed to mind my chooks
I'm going to suggest you check out the Mastiff breeds. They are gental giants, but yet protective of what they consider to be thiers. I have met a few, and they are hefalumps, very comical and sweet - and I think they would definatly keep the fox's away! Although, who could say if they would find a chook a tasty snack? Good luck!
Posted: 14/03/2007

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