The Responsibility Beccy

By Beccy

When looking at my Jack Russell X, who we adopted just over a year ago, I wonder what on earth goes through some peoples heads, when they purchase a dog.

Do they think they just have to feed it, and walk it once a day, and that's about it? Why isn't there some governing body to protect these poor, innocent animals from being mistreated, and unwanted prior to their sale?

Why can't pet shops unite, and form a standard? Maybe they can offer courses to expected mums or dads of pups? 30 minutes, to an hour with families, one on one. Detailing all the grooming costs, expected feeding costs, medication/vaccination costs, level of exercise required for the individual pup, recommend a training facility near by to the family, what the suitable living environment should be, etc. They could also offer a toll free number, where new owners of pups can call and request information and simple advice.

I think it's a fantastic idea. Some of our hard earn tax dollars, are spent on Pounds. Wouldn't we all prefer it to be spent on developing more dog parks, and leash free areas? Why not put the money it to fixing the problem where it starts, rather than trying to fix it when it's almost to late.

This concept and publication is copyright to Paws On Paths and, as of 2/2/2005. All suggestions and comments - should be sent to either, or

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