mini schnauzer howling for hours while we are away

mini schnauzer howling for hours while we are away

Our rehomed mini schnauzer cross is howling for hours while we are away during the day. we got this older (approx 8 month old) dog hoping he wouldn't howl or bark. Any ideas to curb this behaviour. Our neighbours are O.K. about it but it can,t go on for much longer. I do intend to go to some dog behaviour classes A.S.A.P.
Posted: 07/09/2008

Answer: mini schnauzer howling for hours while we are away
I dont think its much to do about behavioural classes, more so to do with your pooch being bored and missing you. Can you try and increase the amount of daily excersise he recieves daily? Could you look at employing a professional dog walker of offering some pocket money to a local school kid to come and play / walk / run with him? Will he happily chomp on raw bones while you are away? You can even try taping up wine casks loosly and hiding treats inside. Make your back yard a vertial tresure hunt and hide treats, toys and all sorts of fun things for him to find. Let your imagination run wild. Keep in mind he may need your encouragment in order learn these little games or skills. Also remember the socalization is very important factor in the little mans life.
Posted: 12/09/2008


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