For the love of the Dog. (Beccy)
My cousin is about to have her first baby, in two weeks. We are all so excited! Her brother-in law, lives inter state. Although, it seems he/they will not come to see them, when the baby is born ? as they don?t want to leave their dog.
I am constantly amazed, as to what these four legged, fur balls of fun ? really mean to people. This dog will prevent, the owner from seeing his first born, niece!
Yes, my dog Jimbo, can inhibit my fun at times. I am sometimes worried to go out for the night, as he may howl his way through the whole evening, and early morning. But, there is a solution. I don?t like it, or really agree with it, but I can medicate him ? if need be.
There is always a solution for these guys. There is always a boarding kennel, vet, trainer, or groomer. So why do people use these dogs as an excuse, way out or as a safety net? I don?t doubt their intentions, and that they are trying to do the right thing ? but when is to far, just plain ? to far?
Contributed by Beccy of North Shore Dogs. See listing under dog walkers for service on Sydneys North Shore.