Q: Dog barking and chasing cars, bikes etc
I have inherited my daughter's pom. He is a beautiful little dog and generally well bahaved. I am having trouble when I take him for a walk in that he barks and carries on whenever a car or bike sometimes other dogs and people pass. He has a very high pitched bark on these occasions and is uncontrolable. Please what can I do to train him to ignore these. Any advise greatly appreciataed.
Posted: 06/05/2006
Answer: barking and chasing cars, bikes etc
I think the more exposure you can give to your inherited pom, the better. In relation to corrective training you have a very small window of opportunity. Your reactions must be clear, quick and firm. When he first starts to bark or carry on when he see's a car etc, firmly say NO. Swiftly turn in the other direction and walk the other way at a frantic pace. As soon as he catches up and has forgotten what he was barking at in the first place praise him and offer lots of rewards and cuddles. If this doesn't help you could purchase a misting spray bottle. The ones with the nozzle where you can choose a mist or jet spray. Fill the bottle up with mostly water and a little vinegar. Just enough to taste yucky. When Pom barks, say NO and follow up with a quick little spray right in to the mouth.
Posted: 15/05/2006