Q: My shar-pei has been diagnoised with demodex

Q: My shar-pei has been diagnoised with demodex


My shar-pei has been diagnoised with demodex and she is being treated with ivermicin and a medicated shampoo once a week for 15 mins followed by a cream rinse. She is still scratching like crazy. I brought this up to the vet, who says might be food allergy and has put her on a potato and whitefish diet. All of this is well and fine, but is there anything that can help her with the itchy feeling she is getting ?? I know she can not be comfortable. Do you know of anything that might help her out ?

Hey, I think demodex is some form of mites. But all you can really do is
treat it with meds like what I assume the vet has done. Unless the dog is
still picking it up from where from the environment, and this hasn't been

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