Seperation Anxiety - Male Staffie Puppy

Seperation Anxiety - Male Staffie Puppy

I have very recently bought a Staffie puppy. He is put into the laundray of a night time, with Food, Water and toys, and every night he crys/barks all night long and is only quiet when someone is with him. Can you give me the best way to handle this so that i can have sleep and he can feel confortable and content. Any advice would be appreciated, Regards, Samantha Amos
Posted: 13/12/2006

Answer: Separation Anxiety - Male Staffie Puppy
This sounds really awful, but you really have to ignore his cries. Each time you go to him to offer comfort, it re-enforces his behavior. And it will only make matters worse. Before bed time, insure he has a empty bladder, put some paper down so he has some where to wee if he can't hold on at night, put a little radio on in the laundry, lots of comfy bedding, toys, and treats etc .. And that's it. You have to ignore the cries. If it does continue as he gets older, consider speaking to your vet. Posted: 06/01/2007

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