Agressive Female Kelpie/Staffi

Agressive Female Kelpie/Staffi

I have a (approx) 2 year old Kelpie/Staffi from the pound. We have been training her on most things, and although it's a slow process, she is good at home. However, when walking her she is on high alert, and if she sees, smells or hears another dog, she becomes incredibly agressive. She has tried to attack multiple dogs, and now we are too scared to go out with her. How can we train this out of her?
Posted: 19/04/2007   

Agressive Female Kelpie/Staffi
Firstly, if you are scared of her reaction ? she will pick this up and continue. You must become extremely over confident with her, and give her no other option but to know you are in charge. You must keep walking her, other wise it will only get worse. For your sake, I hope she is food motivated! Keep they tastiest of treats in your pocket to gain her attention if she attempts to become aggressive. Keep her focused with treats until the danger passed. If no luck, you must become bold and fearless. If you walk towards another dog, pull her right in to your left thigh and begin to run towards the dog. Speak loudly to her encouraging her to keep up, run run run run right past that dog, so fast she doesn?t even have a chance to lunge. Don?t stop of even look at her. Just keep going. Eventually she should get the idea.
Posted: 27/04/2007

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