naughty puppy

naughty puppy

I have a very gentle five year old female cavalier and recently i have acquired 2 puppies. the male puppy constantly nips at her ears, belly and tail and has turned her in to a nervous wreck. she now spends most of her time sitting on a chair that he cannot reach(but will be able to very soon- how can i stop this biting and chasing quickly? any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: 19/07/2007

Answer: naughty puppy
Your little man is testing the waters and trying to find his place in the home. I suggest you step in and effectively become the playmate taking the brute of the strain off lovely lady. This will require you to be quite productive and on the ball at all times!! Also start with training so that your pups know the meaning of "No" so they will respond to your requests when their playtime antics becoming to much! You will also need to set sleep times so they can all have some quite time.
Posted: 22/07/2007

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