Jack Russell growling and a bite

Jack Russell growling and a bite

Hi Our male Jack Russell who we have had since a pup and is now 6 years old has just started to growl at my husband. In addition, 2 days ago while he was playing with him in the garden, he bite my husband. I have been spending s lot of time with our pet of you think he is becomming over protected of me. FYI / Im also pregnant...can he sense this- rgds worried owner
Posted: 24/10/2007

Answer: Growling and a bite
Ek! The first thought of the top of my head is possibly a medical issue. For something so out of character and out of the blue I would defiantly speak to your vet. Apart from this, yes - your little Jackie maybe be sensing change due to your pregnancy (congrats by the way!). Although run this all by you vet.
Posted: 04/11/2007

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