goodmorning staffy bad night staffy
i have a one year old staffy who i love to death and he loves me back except at night il get up in the morn and he will kiss me and play and obey but when i get home at night he changes he jumps on u, barks when ur not near him, humps , eats bugs and pees on outside matt but only at night and its the same on weekends even when im home all day and have been interacting ps help p.s he also has an issue with some big lizards that live in our yard never attacks but trys and barks
Posted: 19/04/2008
Answer: goodmorning staffy bad night staffy
Staffys are by far the most emotional dog that I know of. They are extremely clued in animals and learn extremely quickly. The thing we must remember is: in some cases, dogs will take any form of interaction be it negative or positive (to a degree). I think he is acting up in the evening as it receives your focus and attention. The cheekier he is the more focus you are on him. They are constant thinkers so a increase in daily exercise would defiantly help to calm the mind he really needs lots of thinking activities. Being more socialisation with other dogs, and more smart toys. I would defiantly look in to a good dog walker, as I think this may resolve the majority of your issue.
Posted: 17/05/2008