Q: Apple Cider Vinegar in dog water ?

Q: Apple Cider Vinegar in dog water ?

I read yesterday that is can be beneficial to a poodle to put a few drops of Apple Cider Vinear in their water bowl ... apparently the benefits include healthy coat, tends to prevent tear staining and also some benefits to their oral health - is this true - has anyone heard?
Posted: 06/07/2006

Answer: Apple Cider Vinegar in dog water
There is no doubt that Apple Cider Vinegar may provide many benefits. I think it can help to reduce allergies, dermatitis etc. If you do wish to try it, I would only offer very very small quantities. As it is a holistic cure, there may be no particular research done as to how it may effect canines as far as traditional medicines go. I'm sure it wouldn't cause much harm in small amounts - although I would run it by the vet just to be sure.
Posted: 09/07/2006

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