Q: My female pup (staffy cross blue cattle) is 11months old

Q: My female pup (staffy cross blue cattle) is 11months old

hello, my female pup is 11months old and she has her periods for the first time? It has been 5 days since noticing her dripping and over inflated reproductive part but i was just wondering how can i tell whether she is pregnant because there has been a number of instances where the neighbours dogs who are male have got in but as far as we know havent yet done anything. please advise
Posted: 14/07/2006

Answer: staffy cross blue cattle
It sounds like your girl is in her first 9 days of the cycle. At this point she will probably not be excepting mates for reproduction. After she reaches the next stage, 'Estrus' which will last for approx 9 days - she will except mates. Estrus is the time when she is fertile. You wont be able to tell if she is 'with child' just by looking at her. The quickest and earliest way to tell is pregnant is by taking her to the vet for a ultrasound. Little puppy heart beats can be detected from about 25th day after her first initial bleeding.
Posted: 14/07/2006

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