Skinny Boxer -12 months
I have a boxer puppy, i bought him when he was 9 weeks old, he is now 12 months. He has always been skinny, but it is starting to get worse. I used to put out heaps of dog biscuits for him, but he struggled to eat them (he has a severe underbite) I have been feeding him a mix of white rice, almost raw chicken and veges for the last month and a half, but he hasn't been putting on weight, if anything he has been losing it! I am just about to change to a wholemeal rice now instead of the white rice. Does anybody have any other suggestions on how i can get him to put on some weight, as he is really skinny.
Posted: 18/10/2006
Answer: Skinny Boxer -12 months
He must have a super fast metabolism. Try giving him 3 or 4 smaller meals through out the day rather than one large one. And include some Kangaroo meat, or a similar fatty meat. Also try to get his muscle development up by playing lots of tug-a-war games. You can get protein supplements from vets or pet shops, they might be worth looking in to.
Posted: 20/10/2006