Scared small dog, Perth (WA)

Scared small dog, Perth (WA)

My friend has a small dog. Who is scared of other dogs (all shapes and sizes) even the really friendly ones, My friend picks her up when she gets frightened. When the other dogs walk off my friends little dog barks and chases them showing a lot of aggression. I am worried that one day the other dog might turn around and come after her. She might not get away fast enough. She is sending out aggressive vibes so other dogs do respond with barking making her even more scared. She has just turned one and I think the excuse of 'she is just a puppy' won't hold for too much longer. What should we do?
Posted: 16/01/2007

Answer: Scared small dog, Perth (WA)
The big problem here is that your friend picks her up. A big big no no. This re-affirms the behavior. I have seen it many times. Basically, your friend just has to keep the little one down on the ground no matter how bad she carry's on. She has to learn how to defend herself and how to socialize with other dogs properly. As long as your friend keeps picking her up, it will continue. I know it's hard!! Encourage your friend to keep her down on the ground and to simply ignore bad behavior. The pooch will be better for it in the long run. Group dog training might be a good idea for the dog and your friend.
Posted: 25/01/2007   

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