Sleep Time/Wake-up Time! male de-sexed poodle

Sleep Time/Wake-up Time! male de-sexed poodle

My 2 year old Min. male de-sexed poodle has settled onably well,considering his past,he still a little anxious when on his own.I have had him only 4 months.Wally, is an x show dog,spending weekends with me and 5 days with my Mum.At Mum's place he is v.good never making a sound in the morning he is in an enclosed verandah,with a glass door looking into the kitchen.At my place he is in a laundry,with a wooden enclosed door and no view at all-he scratched and barked from 4.15am.I have just installed a perspex baby gate ,but once again he is trying to get out as well as bark.I am thinking about moving him outdoors to a kennel at my place if he doesn't improve.I have heard of using citronella collars to help with barking.(I know that him having 2 homes is quite a challenge.)Any advice would be much appreciated.
Posted: 28/01/2007   

Answer: Sleep Time/Wake-up Time!
First of all, most of the dogs I know are completely dis- interested in their kennel! You could try placing a radio in the laundry which will give him some back ground noise. Wear a old t- shirt during the day and put it on top of his bed without washing it. It should help to settle him as it smells of you. Apart from this, all I could suggest is to move him further in to the house for sleep time.
Posted: 06/02/2007

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