Dog toilet troubles - Please Help

Dog toilet troubles - Please Help

Hi, I have a 10 month old Foxie Cross. Recently I had him desexed and since then he seems unable to control his bladder. I have disciplined him but it still continues and he knows as soon as i look at him that he is in trouble.(he cowers and puts himself outside) He does have a set area to go to the toilet and does use this, however there have been instances when he is asleep in our bed and I wake up to find that he has wet himeself. Last night he came and sat on my lap and went to sleep and I felt him starting to pee on me (he was asleep still). I just looked at him and asked what he was doing, he knew and started to move (still peeing as he gets off) Wathching him doing this it appears as if he doesn't know he is going until I look at him (sometimes I don't have to say anything to him) and will wonder off and he is still peeing. He will do this right in front of me or like last night right on me. Please help.......
Posted: 05/09/2007   

Answer: Toliet Troubles Please Help
Since he is doing it in his sleep, he obviously has not control over the matter. Poor little guy! So we must assume it requires medical attention. Either that, or he is just really really relaxed!
Posted: 06/09/2007

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