New dog - addicted to me & shouldering existing dogs

New dog - addicted to me & shouldering existing dogs

We have a new dog (Whippet) who is a rescue dog and had previously been mistreated. We have had her for two weeks and she won't leave my side. We have introduced the dog to our other two dogs (Pug & Jack Russell) and the new dog shoulders the others and pushes in front of them all the time. She wants to be constantly near me and runs around the house and stands outside the room that I am in - looking through the windows and barking at me to get attention and won't settle until she is close to me, whether that be inside or out.
Posted: 25/03/2008 

Answer: Answer: New dog - addicted to me & shouldering exist
Adopting a mistreated dog is always a challange, but very rewarding. Hmmm, honestly - it may just last a few weeks or a few years. I don't really feel that she is doing anything destructive. She is mearly trying to find her spot and has bonded well to you. I think the main thing is to not encourage or discourage what she is doing. So if she barks at you, don't yell at her but don't respond to her. If she follows you around, allow her to do so but don't engage with her to much. So just try to remain very neutral. She should settle down and relax, although if she doesn't you may need to re- address the issue in a few months or so.
Posted: 04/04/2008


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