dog jumping up onto people
my 5month lab collie is very boisterous she jumps up and onto friends and me all the time she wont stop and is teathing so chewing a lot. we have a box of old shoes and some doggy chewing treats but i want her to settle and behave she is allowed on the couch so it would be nice if she could just sit there and relax more
Posted: 04/07/2008
ANSWER: jumping up onto people
I hate to be the barer of bad news but you might liked to expect this kinda of crazyness for sometime to come! In all honestly, I understand how frustrating it can be with these type of young dogs. But the more you fight it, the more upset you will get, and you will miss out on some very special moments with your pooch. Try to adopt of approach of working with her rather than against her. I would suggest getting in to daily and / or weekly training. Group training would be best for your girl. Try to think up clever ways to entertain her such as kongs, and sand pit with buried treats and toys etc. You will also love this page from one of my fav web sites (it will help with the jumping) ng/hyperdog
Posted: 15/07/2008