How to make my Blue Heeler Puppy tolerant

How to make my Blue Heeler Puppy tolerant

I have a 10 year old female blue heeler and have recently been given a 7 week old male Jack Russell Puppy. I showed it to the heeler and she wanted to destroy it. Any ideas how I can introduce her to and get her to tolerate this puppy as I would like them to share our backyard but as our heeler is quite aggressive to other dogs I am frightened to put them together in case of a disaster.
Posted: 05/01/2007

Answer: How to make my Blue Heeler Puppy tolerant
One of my clients had a Heeler who was very similar. He would not allow other dogs on his property, or near 'his' owners. This is difficult, as it does seem that your Heeler is / was already aggressive. She may chill out eventually, but you will have to be on alert constantly. For a few weeks at least, I would not suggest putting them in the same room together, allow them to just sight each other and pick up each others scents from around your home. Eventually you may try to re-introduce them to each other again, while under your control on a lead.
Posted: 06/01/2007

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