Bull Terrier pup.
Hi, I have a male BT pup, 18 weeks old. We recently left him in the care of friends for 2 weeks. Being back now for over a week, the once active pup seems to have become a little lazy. Generally and on lead. Sleeping alot. It has been a little hot of late, though no change in diet or exersize, and still seems to be drinking and eating well, ??? Thankyou.
Posted: 12/01/2007
Answer: Bull Terrier pup.
He may have just ran him self ragged for the two weeks you where away. Have you asked your friends if he was behaving normally while you where away? Possibly he may have picked up a virus? Are all his shots up to date? If his condition doesn't improve soon, seek Vet advise. 18 weeks old is a important time in puppies lives it better to be safe than sorry in all accounts.
Posted: 25/01/2007